Thank You For Worshipping With Us Today!

"Refine My Habits"

Sunday, March 21, 2021

There's More Information Below 

Refine = Remove Impurities Or Unwanted Elements

So many times as we were baptized in fire, we may have wondered why had God allowed this to happen. But from now on, I hope we all realize that sometimes we all need to experience the heat and rather than looking for the escape hatch, we surrender to the Refiner's Fire!

Being purified by God is not always a comfortable place to be but we take comfort in knowing that the same God that led Shadrach Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace is the same God that led them out and if He did it for them, He will do it for us.

The most important thing that I would want to leave with you is this, many times we experience the heat to prepare us for eternity. God loves us that much that He does not what us to miss Heaven and catch Hell. Be encouraged to look to Him no matter how hot things become.
Below are three important links: the Latest Sermon, Yesterday's Sermon Notes and the Online Giving buttons, all for your convenience. However, please wait until 5:00pm for today's message to be uploaded.
Thank you for checking in and for financially supporting our ministry.

RESET, Because You Deserve A Fresh Start!
Pastor Mario

We Hope You Enjoyed The Experience

Remember To FAST This Wednesday, March 24 - 6:00am - 6:00pm
Uncommon Favor In Bank Regional Meeting

Virtual Mancave 2.0 

Water Baptism

Register For The Virtual Mancave 2.0

With all that's going on in the world today, the pressure that men experience to perform on the jobs and home can be overwhelming at times. In the midst of these economic uncertain and health crises, the need for each man to stay ahead of the game is great.

It's usually in these chaotic times that the need to have a strategy for LOVE and MONEY is critical and hence the reason why this Mancave is more important today than ever before. Gain insights in how to RESET in two of the most important aspects of your life.
The Rebirth Experience

Water Baptism is one of two ordinances that Jesus left for us to continue, Communion being the other. As so many of surrendered their lives to Jesus or rededicated their heart to God, Easter Sunday is such an incredible opportunity to participate in this powerful testimony and profession of faith.

This is the single most important event that every Christian has ever participated because in signifies the burial of one's old life of sin and the resurrection of one's new life in Christ Jesus. If ups have never been water baptized as a Believer in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to signup and be part of this incredible journey on April 4, 2021.

Online Prayer 

Online Bible Study

Join Us Every Wednesday For Our 6am Online Prayer Gathering

We usually use this Sunday's message outline to intercede on behalf of our congregation and family. It's an opportunity to allow today's message to continue to simmer in our lives. I hope you can join us.
Join us for our Thursday Lunch Time Bible Study Every Week This Month.

Pastor Mario will lead the Thursday Lunch-Time Bible Study and will teach on the subject of Prayer & Fasting. We are planning on a Corporate Hard Reset 40-Day Fast from February 22 - Good Friday, April 2, 2021.

We want you to be prepared and ready to engage in Fasting based upon the knowledge of the Word of God.