Pastor Mario
Lead Pastor
Born in the month of August, Pastor Mario loves vacations, loves cruises and loves to have a good time.
Pastor Erika
Chief Operations Officer
Very gifted, talented and passionate about children's ministry, Pastor Erika loves her grandchildren and gives 100 to The Harvest.
Elder Ursula
Chief Financial Officer
Elder Ursula is a hard worker who loves to burn the midnight oil. She has a heart of gold and a heart for people.
Inderia Green
Worship System Director
Inderia Green, intelligent, creative & bubbly, she has a heart of compassion and a faith in God that gives her the strength she needs to do His work.
Verenique Cunningham
Stewardship System Director
Verenique Cunningham, smart, fun, kindhearted and loves to make people laugh. She is just simply “unique “ in so many ways.
Natasha Cunningham
Evangelism, Leadership & Serving Opportunity Director
Natasha Cunningham, loyal, honest and trustworthy. One of her favorite phrases is “seek clarity" as this is vital in making wise decisions.
Keisha Taylor
Assimilation & Groups Director
Keisha is a strong, loyal, kind-hearted individual who gives her all in every situation. She is not afraid to dig deeper for the overall success of her family, peers and team.
Melissa Roberts
Family Life System Director
Melissa Roberts is a gifted writer and storyteller. She has a huge heart and a passion for the complete family unit and desires to help families grow together in Christ.