Impact Ireland 2023

Operation Mobilization's Impact Ireland is all about sharing the Gospel with people who do not know Jesus, confident that the Gospel will make an impact in their lives.
We want to:

  • introduce Irish people to Jesus by sharing the Gospel message widely and creatively
  • inspire Irish believers to live for Christ
  • encourage and support Irish churches in evangelism
  • help participants grow in their love for God and their confidence in sharing the Gospel

Impact Ireland is an exciting outreach, involving Christians from around the world working together with local Irish churches, to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus. Experience thought-provoking, creative, and interactive training, then join an international team to share the message of the Gospel in word and action, together with local Christians across Ireland.

Tracey Pritchard

Tracey Pritchard has been an active member of Bahamas Harvest for the past two years. She has a passion for ministry and compassion heart for the lost.

Her goal is to spread the love of Christ to everyone she encounters. Tracey has served as an Eden’s Women Small Group Leader and is currently a Starting Point Leader at Bahamas Harvest Church. Tracey also ministers in her various social media platforms and presently host a Saturday morning prayer that focuses on the relationship between God and His daughters.

Tracey is a mother of one son and a compassion International sponsor parent of three wonderful boys. She believes that we must show our faith by our works and as we do, we will become the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.

Drew Curry

Drew Curry is a Goal-Setting Strategist that helps professional women of faith overcome self-doubt by helping them plan, prepare & execute their life vision.
She also is the founder of Project Blue Bahamas. A non-profit organization dedicated to educating & equipping Bahamian youths about the importance of envisioning & planning their future.

"I enjoy uplifting others to live the life God create them to live. And I believe God used and still is using this part of my life to inform others about His grace and love. Serving on the mission field is one of the many ways I am able to share God’s love and the good news."

Help These Missionaries Reach Their Financial Goal By June 11

Collectively they need our support in raising $5,000 for this short term missionary experience to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Operation Mobilization (OM) is a Christian missionary organization founded by George Verwer to mobilise young people to live and share the Gospel of Jesus. OM started in Mexico and had spread to Europe and India by 1963.

OM currently has 6,800 people working in 118 countries around the world, seeking to "see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached".