Welcome to the 21 Day Daniel Fast
Fasting Guidelines
These general instructions will help to give directions concerning how to conduct yourself during the 21 Day Daniel Fast. Fasting is not a punishment. The spirit of Fasting is to bring our flesh under subjection by removing those things that would normally bring us pleasure.
Fast Length: 21 Days
Fast Date: Monday, January 8 – Sunday, January 28, 2024
Fast Type: Daniel's Fast
Fasting Do’s: (No Meat/Meat Products, No Television)
Fasting Don’ts
Prayer Time
1. Establish a regular daily time for prayer that you will refuse to compromise.
2. Establish a prayer closet – a specific place where you will commune with God daily.
Physical Adjustment
1. In general expect a positive change in your body.
2. The Daniel’s Fast is a proven healthy lifestyle practiced by Seventh Day Adventists worldwide.
3. Expect your body to undergo changes, both internally and externally.
4. Internally, you will notice an increase in flatulence and a change in the excretion of feces.
5. Externally, you may lose weight; amount varies depending upon body make-up.
6. Your skin complexion may appear to look healthier (Daniel 1:11-16)
General Prayer and Intercession (Pray...)
Release And Let It Go!
Honor The Lord
As you crucify the flesh, its appetites and its selfish and destructive tendencies, and as you cry out in earnest for deliverance for yourself and the salvation of others:
1. Expect to be heard by your Heavenly Father.
2. Expect release from oppressive habits, inherited illnesses and destructive tendencies.
3. Expect healings and miracles in your life, your family and loved ones.
4. Expect to be used by the Lord to repair and restore persons to the Savior.
5. Expect the level of your relationship with the Lord to rise to a higher level.
6. Expect to discover your hidden potential, gifts and graces
7. Expect that God will reveal His purpose for your life.
Fast Length: 21 Days
Fast Date: Monday, January 8 – Sunday, January 28, 2024
Fast Type: Daniel's Fast
Fasting Do’s: (No Meat/Meat Products, No Television)
- Eat Daniel compliant(vegetarian)meals such as vegetables, fruits, rice, non-dairy pastas, soy products and tofu.
- Drink lots of water, hot teas and juices.
- Encourage family interaction through prayer, communion, the playing of board games and
group discussions. - Continueintimatespousalrelationsunlessbothspousesagreetowithholdthemselvesfrom
one another. However, scripture recommends that withholding should be for a “short” while.
Fasting Don’ts
- Don’t eat any type of flesh product such as poultry, beef, pork and fish.
- Don’t eat any meat by-products such as eggs, certain pastas, mayonnaise and dairy products.
- Don’t over eat. Just because Daniel compliant foods are permissible, please remember that this
is still a Fast. - Don’t drink coffee due to its addictive nature(optional).
- Don’t watch television unless your profession requires you to do so ,i.e.television producer,
cameraman, video editor, etc. - Avoid secular social entertainment, parties and gatherings unless it is a work-related
Prayer Time
1. Establish a regular daily time for prayer that you will refuse to compromise.
2. Establish a prayer closet – a specific place where you will commune with God daily.
Physical Adjustment
1. In general expect a positive change in your body.
2. The Daniel’s Fast is a proven healthy lifestyle practiced by Seventh Day Adventists worldwide.
3. Expect your body to undergo changes, both internally and externally.
4. Internally, you will notice an increase in flatulence and a change in the excretion of feces.
5. Externally, you may lose weight; amount varies depending upon body make-up.
6. Your skin complexion may appear to look healthier (Daniel 1:11-16)
- ParticipatingintheDaniel’sFastwillnotimpaironephysicallyfromperformingtheirnormal duties.
- Please consult your physician prior to engaging in this Fast if you have an existing medical condition or under the care of a physician or in the event that you experience any physical ailment.
General Prayer and Intercession (Pray...)
- For direction, grace and favor to pursue your purpose in 2024.
- For release from every spirit of oppression which attempts to control your life. Pray earnestly for the Lord to set you free from every tendency to sin, which repeatedly and easily beset you - any habit of lying, dishonesty, unnecessary boasting and arrogance, or any other secret sins and temptations that have overtaken you.
- For the release of family members, members of the body of Christ and the nation to be delivered from every spirit of oppression, every form of bondage to perversions of fornication, incest, homosexuality, and other immoral addictions, lifestyles and tendencies and all destructive habits that have them bound.
- For healing and miracles of those whom Satan has bound with serious and deadly diseases and illnesses.
Release And Let It Go!
- Every form of malice, bitterness, grievance and unforgiveness that you are holding against someone else – a family member, a husband, wife, children, others in the body of Christ, those that do not know the Lord and in our country.
- From the bondage of the adversary and memory of pasts that overwhelm you.
- All malicious talk, mean-spirited accusations against others, and judging others.
- Any and all forms of hypocrisy, including criticizing those around you that do not know the Lord.
- A word of encouragement to those around you.
- Give to the deprived among your family members, the body of Christ and the nation – to the hungry, the homeless, those with insufficient clothing.
Honor The Lord
- In your life, giving Him special honor on His holy day, taking delight in your tithes, offerings, expressions of thanks and praise to Him who is worthy.
- Worship daily in your home and attend the weekend Worship Experiences and Wednesday 6:00am Online Prayer Gatherings.
As you crucify the flesh, its appetites and its selfish and destructive tendencies, and as you cry out in earnest for deliverance for yourself and the salvation of others:
1. Expect to be heard by your Heavenly Father.
2. Expect release from oppressive habits, inherited illnesses and destructive tendencies.
3. Expect healings and miracles in your life, your family and loved ones.
4. Expect to be used by the Lord to repair and restore persons to the Savior.
5. Expect the level of your relationship with the Lord to rise to a higher level.
6. Expect to discover your hidden potential, gifts and graces
7. Expect that God will reveal His purpose for your life.
7 Tips for the Daniel Fast
1. Plan Ahead
You will spend more time in the kitchen as you prepare each meal, so it is best to
plan your meals ahead. Make your meals somewhat lighter for a few days leading up to your fast.
2. Set Your Prayer Time
Prayer and the word of God are essential during your time of fasting. Set realistic prayer and reading times and adhere to them.
3. Set Your Prayer Targets
Be specific about your prayer targets and needs. Make a list and update & modify as needed.
4. Keep A Journal
Journaling is always a great way to capture your fasting experience. Be transparent and document your journey and successes.
5. Water, Water, Water
Water is the best filler when you get a little hungry. Because you are not drinking as many other liquids, make sure to drink plenty of water. Try not to drink 30min before and 30min after eating; this will greatly enhance your fast.
6. Eliminate Distractions
During your times of prayer and reading, eliminate distractions such as TV, social media, and extracurricular activities. Try to stay focused.
7. Avoid Negativity
Do not allow negativity in your atmosphere during times of fasting. Replace negative thoughts and people with positive thoughts and the word of God.
You will spend more time in the kitchen as you prepare each meal, so it is best to
plan your meals ahead. Make your meals somewhat lighter for a few days leading up to your fast.
2. Set Your Prayer Time
Prayer and the word of God are essential during your time of fasting. Set realistic prayer and reading times and adhere to them.
3. Set Your Prayer Targets
Be specific about your prayer targets and needs. Make a list and update & modify as needed.
4. Keep A Journal
Journaling is always a great way to capture your fasting experience. Be transparent and document your journey and successes.
5. Water, Water, Water
Water is the best filler when you get a little hungry. Because you are not drinking as many other liquids, make sure to drink plenty of water. Try not to drink 30min before and 30min after eating; this will greatly enhance your fast.
6. Eliminate Distractions
During your times of prayer and reading, eliminate distractions such as TV, social media, and extracurricular activities. Try to stay focused.
7. Avoid Negativity
Do not allow negativity in your atmosphere during times of fasting. Replace negative thoughts and people with positive thoughts and the word of God.